Beach Ball Dragon
A Lonely Dragon Finds FriendshipOnce upon a time, there was a dragon who lived alone in his cave near the beach. He longed for someone to play with and befriend. One day, some children came to the beach to play with their favorite ball.
The ball looked just like the dragon's missing egg! What happens next? Read on to discover how this lonely dragon finds happiness and friendship in "The Beach Ball Dragon".
The Lonely Dragon
Once upon a time, there was a dragon who lived all by himself in his cave near the beach. He had no friends to play with and spent most of his days staring at the sea or sleeping on his treasure pile.
Although he had everything he could ever want, deep down inside, he felt incredibly lonely. He longed for companionship and someone to share his love for playing games like catch and hide-and-seek.
Despite being feared by many in the village nearby, this dragon was kind-hearted and gentle. All he wanted was to make new friends and break free from his solitary life.
Every day, he would wait patiently by the entrance of his cave hoping that someone would come along and be brave enough to approach him. But as much as they may have been curious about him from afar, nobody dared venture into unknown territory — especially not when it came to dragons!
One day though, something caught the dragon’s attention while gazing out at the beach. It looked like an egg! Could it be…? No way! Excitedly flying over towards it - what did our little friend find?
A Curious Encounter
One sunny day, as Beach Ball Dragon was playing alone by the beach, he saw some children running around and giggling. They were playing with a ball that looked just like his missing egg!
Beach Ball Dragon felt curious and decided to approach them. However, when the children saw him coming closer, they got scared and ran away.
The dragon didn’t understand why they were afraid of him since he didn’t mean any harm. So he stopped following them and went back to his cave feeling sad.
Later that day, the children returned to play on the beach again. This time Beach Ball Dragon stayed in his cave but peeked outside curiously. The kids noticed him watching from afar but still kept their distance from him.
Suddenly one of the kids had an idea – she picked up their ball and threw it towards Beach Ball Dragon’s direction! To everyone’s surprise, instead of eating or destroying it like other creatures would have done, the dragon caught it mid-air with his mouth!
The children laughed out loud seeing this unexpected sight and clapped their hands in joy! “Wow!” said one kid, “You’re really good at catching!”
From that moment on began a playful interaction between Beach Ball Dragon and the children. They played catch together using their favorite ball for hours until sunset without any fear or hesitation whatsoever!
Beach Ball Dragon finally found friends who accepted him for who he was - a friendly creature who loved to play catch like them!
A New Name for the Dragon
The children had never met a dragon before, let alone played with one! They were both scared and excited at first. But as they started to play catch with their favorite ball together, they quickly realized that this dragon was different. He wasn’t like the scary dragons in their storybooks.
In fact, he was quite playful and fun-loving just like them! As they continued playing together on the beach every day, they decided that their new friend needed a name – something unique to him.
One sunny afternoon while playing on the beach, one of the children exclaimed “Hey look over there! It’s Beach Ball Dragon!” The other child giggled and agreed that it was indeed a perfect name for him since he loved playing with their beach ball so much!
From then on, Beach Ball Dragon became his official name. Whenever anyone asked who he was or where he lived by the beach, everyone knew exactly who they were talking about.
Beach Ball Dragon loved his new name too! He felt special and important to have been given such an amazing title by his friends. And even though he couldn’t speak words like humans could, he made sure to show how happy it made him feel by wagging his tail happily whenever someone called him by that name.
With his new identity as Beach Ball Dragon and plenty of friends around who loved playing catch as much as he did – life couldn’t be any more perfect for this friendly dragon living near the beach!
A Token of Friendship
Beach Ball Dragon was very happy to have made new friends. He enjoyed playing with the children and spending time with them on the beach. Every day, he looked forward to seeing them again.
As a token of friendship, Beach Ball Dragon decided to keep the ball that they had been playing with as a reminder of his new friends. He knew that it wasn’t really his egg, but it was something special that he could keep with him always.
The children were delighted when they saw that Beach Ball Dragon had kept their ball. They knew how much it meant to him and they were happy to see him so pleased.
From then on, whenever the children came back to play on the beach, they would bring other toys for Beach Ball Dragon too. They brought frisbees, kites and even buckets and spades for making sandcastles together.
Beach Ball Dragon loved playing with all these different toys but he still treasured his first toy –the ball– above all else because it represented something special: Friendship!
He felt grateful for having met such amazing friends who not only accepted him despite being a dragon but also played along happily just like ordinary kids do among themselves.
With this thought in mind, Beach Ball Dragon smiled at himself contently while holding onto his precious gift from his dear little friends — A token of friendship!
Fun in the Sun with Beach Ball Dragon
The children loved visiting their new friend, Beach Ball Dragon. They would come back to the beach every day, eager to spend time playing catch and exploring with him.
Beach Ball Dragon was delighted to see his friends again and would always have a big smile on his face when they arrived. He loved nothing more than feeling the sand between his toes as he played in the sun with his best buddies.
Together, they would run up and down the beach chasing after the ball, laughing and shouting all the while. Sometimes they’d build sandcastles or go for a swim in the sea – anything that involved having fun together!
The children had never met anyone like Beach Ball Dragon before. He was so kind and playful - not at all like other dragons who were often portrayed as scary or fierce creatures.
But what made their friendship even more special was how much they learned from each other. The children taught Beach Ball Dragon games he’d never heard of before, while he showed them how to blow flames without burning themselves (which was definitely not something you should try at home).
As long as there were sunny days ahead, nothing could stop these friends from having fun together - because that’s what true friendship is all about!
The Value of Friendship
Beach Ball Dragon and the children learned that friendship is priceless. Even though they were scared at first, they took a chance to get to know each other, which led them on a path to finding true companionship. They discovered that it’s not about how different you look or where you come from; all that matters is the time spent together having fun.
Children can learn from this story that making friends takes effort and trust, but it’s worth it in the end. Encourage your little ones to be open-minded and friendly with others who may seem different than them.
Overcoming Fears and Prejudices
When Beach Ball Dragon met the children, he was initially afraid because he thought they might hurt him. Similarly, the kids were scared of him because well… he was a dragon! However, after spending some time playing together and getting to know each other better, their fears subsided.
This part of the story teaches young readers about overcoming prejudices by giving people (or dragons) a chance despite initial impressions or beliefs based on appearance alone.
Finding Joy in Spending Time with Others
The highlight of Beach Ball Dragon’s day was when his new friends came over to play catch with him using their ball. He felt happy being around them, laughing and enjoying their company.
This part of the story shows kids how much joy can be found in spending quality time with others while doing something fun together - like playing games or simply chatting away!
Overall, these lessons help instill important values such as kindness towards others regardless of differences as well as courage in facing our fears head-on so we can make meaningful connections with those around us!