Beach Ball Dragon
Once upon a time, there was a dragon who lived alone in his cave near the beach. He longed for someone to play with and befriend. One day, some children came to the beach to play with their favorite ball.
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Once upon a time, there was a dragon who lived alone in his cave near the beach. He longed for someone to play with and befriend. One day, some children came to the beach to play with their favorite ball.
Crabby and Seagull are the best of friends and love nothing more than spending their days at the beach. One day, they decide to build the biggest sandcastle on the entire beach! But building a sandcastle isn't as easy as it seems, and Crabby and Seagull soon discover that working together is the key to success.
Samantha and her little brother Max were excited to go to the beach today. They loved searching for seashells along the shore, but something was different this time. Instead of working together and having fun, they were arguing over who had found more shells.